Sunday, November 25, 2012

Book Review- Myth=Mithya : A Handbook of Hindu Mythology by Dr. Devdutt Pattanaik

How many of you are Hindus and still know very less about the Hinduism and its history, moral values and many more things?
(I think everyone has Hindu Blood. We know the dates when all the other religion started to nourish themselves. But nobody know the date when Hindu religion started. This means that the ancestors of every human were Hindus.)

If you are one of those people who know very less and want to know more about the Hinduism then this is the book for you.

Dr. Devdutt Pattanaik did a brilliant job in writing this great book. He definitely deserve a standing ovation for doing this. He researched well and put the most important stories of history.

There are three chapters in the book which talks about Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and their wives.
The relation between the three Gods and the Goddesses can open the gates of enlightenment.
The Difference between God and gods is well explained. The gods are only to sustain the life cycle. They don't get Moksha. Humans are the one for whom the moksha is eveything. The world pleasures are also for the Humans.

The Goddess and her different forms has a story. You must read them.

But this book doesn't answer the questions like - Why do we exist? Who created God? Why God created this world? and many more.
This is not a negative point of this book. No Book and I mean NO BOOK can answer those questions.

I don't have anything bad to say  about this book. No a single word.

I can't rate this book. I am not  qualified enough to rate this GREAT BOOK.


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