Monday, September 17, 2012

Book review - The Krishna Key by Ashwin Sanghi

Ashwin Sanghi is an author known for connecting the dots from history to the present with his brilliant abilities to do vast research on history, myths & religions. His 3rd book 'The Krishna Key' is his another try to reveal the truth from history/myth.

The story revolves around some researchers from different fields who have found the evidences that the Krishna was a real character and the war of Mahabharata did take place around 5000 years ago in Dwapara Yuga. In the process one of them found an astonishing thing - The Krishna Key - for which a man who consider himself the 10th avatar (incarnation) of Lord Vishnu - Kalki -  starts killing them one by one on orders from a woman - Mata Ji.

Professor Saini, who is one of the five researchers, with his doctoral student Priya started to find out what special there in The Krishna key and many historical truth came out which were considered just myths before.

One by one the history started to reveal its hidden secrets to them. But all those things didn't help to find the answers to the unsolved mysteries. The answer that came out in the end is interesting and enlightening one.

The plot is written brilliantly. All the characters in the story seems to have story of their own. The author did a complete research and then connected the dots. The way he connected the different clans, even from different religions, was interesting and astonishing.

Ashwin Sanghi's previous two books -' The Rozabal Line' and 'Chanakya's Chant' - were one of the best books but, according to me, this book is not up to his level. Some of things are repeating few times in the book. I think there is no need to extend the story with useless data. But still, it is good enough to be in bestsellers list.

I give it 8/10.


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