Sunday, December 23, 2012 2 comments


The God has retired

Sachin Tendulkar announced his retirement from One day Cricket. Though I am very sad to know this but I respect his decision. But this is surely a sad day for cricket, sad day for India, sad day for world. 

We all know he had to retire one day. But we all were hoping it to be a grand day. We all deserve to hail him at least for one last time in the ground. All of us would be on our knees to see you play last time. We deserve that.

But, it was only you who could decide it. I respect that, we all respect  that.

Only GOD-SACHIN knows what is right and what is wrong.

I am lucky I have seen you play. It will be a pleasure to tell my children that story of GOD- story of SACHIN TENDULKAR.
