Wednesday, January 16, 2013 0 comments

Book Review - The Speed of Time by Sharad Nalawade

I put this book on the same shelf where I kept A Brief History of Time by Stephan Hawking. Both these books are similar from the aspect that both are written for the common man too understand the governing laws of nature and Physics.

Although, I took a long time to finish this book but this is not a boring science book. This book doesn't have any part which can't be understood easily (I am a Science student so it was not difficult for me but if you don't have a relationship with Science then you can also read this great book to easily understand the most difficult field of Physics.)

This covers almost all the major laws that govern the nature and the explanation of all those laws is done brilliantly with simple but logical examples. We except a lot of mathematical equations to define and explain the laws of Physics. But in this book the author doesn't use equations unnecessarily but he just explains everything with words.

The laws like - gravity, E=MC^2, relativity etc is nicely explained. I mean we all know these laws (from school) but the way these are explained here is very good. The gravity specially doesn't at all works in the sense as we all studied in school.
The praise for Srinivasa Ramanujan and his discoveries (a great Indian mathematician) is just great. I am just a fan of this great mathematician now. 
The use of Maths in Physics and nature told to be very vital in this book but the paradoxes are also written very well. Take the following paradox which I liked most.

"The following statement is false."

"The above statement is true."

My rating for this book is 8/10 (I can't give 10 to any book). I recommend this to all who are interested in the workings of our World.